Thursday, April 10, 2008

Warts, Wrinkles, Ailments, and All

As we come to the close of our study concerning the core desires of the human heart, there is one final desire that we need to discuss to make the series complete.  And it is a desire that actually deserves more time and attention than the others because it is one of the primary ways in which we fully and completely experience all of the other desires as well.

And the desire that I am thinking about is our desire for community.  It is the desire deep in our hearts to be with, around, connected to and surrounded by others.  It is our desire to be an intricate and intimate part of a group of people.  It is our desire to belong.

And we see this desire expressed in everything from the hundreds of clubs, teams, groups, societies, and organizations that we throw ourselves in, to the sheer joy and happiness we feel when someone sends us a facebook friend request or invite, and everything in between. Whether it's the softball league, the kids' playgroup, or the local bar, we are all searching for deep, true, meaningful community. But why? Why do we long to have and experience such community? Why do we desire to belong?  And how does God satisfy this particular desire?

Several things are clear from the pages of scripture that relate directly to our desire for community.
1. First, the whole of scripture tells us that we are made in the image of a God whose very nature is that of  community and relationship. In God's revelation about himself, we encounter a Father, Son and Holy Spirit each loving the other, giving to the other, honoring the other, glorifying the other.

2. One of the primary purposes of the cross was to destroy the isolation, rejection, seclusion and loneliness of sin.  Sin makes you think, feel, live and believe that you are alone.  Jesus died to prove that you belong.  And not only into his country club, fraternity, or fantasy football league, but into his very family (Ephesians 2:11-22).

3.  God has designed for all of humanity, and especially his church, to work as a unified group whose very reason for existing and being together is to tangibly manifest His power and presence to one another (1 Corinthians 7:-11) as well as to the world at large (Ephesians 3:8-11). 

Many people have expressed a deep interest and desire to experience and encounter God.  And yet, most of the people that I have talked to feel as if that will happen to the degree that they separate themselves from the established church and all of the baggage and "dead weight" that we typically associate with the church.   And yet, that is completely backwards thinking.  The entire NT makes it clear that we cannot separate our relationship and experience with God from our relationship and experiences with other people, especially the church.  It is not by separating ourselves from the church that we experience God in fresh, new and liberating ways. It is actually through the church, through the body that Christ died to redeem.  

Even if that body has warts, wrinkles, and ailments, it is still our body, and still the very means by which God manifests himself to his people and to the world.  May you know that God has called you to belong, and may you use that assurance (along with your passions and talents) to bless those who belong with you, as well as those who feel as if they are on the outside looking in.  


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Have Fun

Anonymous said...

So apparently matthew and mark are repeating the same exact story lines... only diff is matt shows jesus as the mesiah, and mark shows him as a man of God

Anonymous said...

how many times does jesus have to do something miraculuous (ie feed swams of people with next to nothing) for the desciples to expect it in the future? how do they still manage to question His power?

...then again how is it that we sin again and again, each and every day, while we "miss the mark?" and how is it that we become ungrateful, constantly forgetting the gifts we've been abundantly blessed with?

We understand the power of God and we know what he has asked us to do, yet we still manage to forget both the teachings as well as blessings God has just revealed to us the day before.

it's funny how the desciples seem so foolish and ignorant when jesus talks about the yeast and they are concerned about having no bread. But when we look into the mirror at ourselves, we have a tendency of being blind to our own misunderstanding.

i pray that we all would; count our blessings, learn from the experiences God places before us, and glorify God for all that he has done in our lives.

...thats it =)