Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Extreme sports. Adrenaline junkies. The latest technology and newest innovations. The most recent Hollywood blockbuster. Traveling to exotic places. Super star athletes. Cars...cars...and more cars...!

What is it with our amazement and addiction to these things? Simple - our inherent desire for fascination! We all long to be amazed, to be inspired, intrigued, captivated, left in awe! We all want to be blown away by something or someone. We want bigger, faster, stronger, more amazing, more captivating, more, more, more.

But the amazing thing about all of this is that despite all of the avenues that are readily available to help “satisfy” this desire, i.e. sports, $, things, adventures, drugs, porn, etc., to be honest with you, I am still bored!

All of these avenues actually disappoint more often than not! I could always keep trying to go for the newest and most exhilerating thing, but I really feel like I would just end up at the same place I am right now. Eventually I would run out of options and feel just as bored! And that is exactly where our society is today. With all of the stuff and opportunities we have, we are still an incredibly bored people! Why do movie stars practically thrive on "drama", or why do athletes have to pursue dangerous and illegal activity on the side? Why? Because, even with all that they have, they still hunger for a deeper fascination.

No amount of finite things could ever fill an infinite hole and longing. No amount of possessions, no new experiences, no second, or third or fourth marriages, nothing.

We have to look to the infinite to satsify this desire.

What does that look like or mean to you? What things have you been looking to/searching for/clawing after to bring you fascination? How long did it last? Are you still bored?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll probably end up reposting this, but this is about your sermon on Wednesday.

I take issue with the whole "God that I can't understand" bit. I'm feeling ya on how you can appreciate that, but I feel that you misunderstand those who don't.

With HD, the iPod, the iPhone, and any new tech, sure we don't understand it, but those things are designed and usually function for our benefit. When they don't work for our benefit, that's usually the time we understand the more intricate details. As in you call up tech support, and they tell you the problem, hopefully they fix the problem, you learn a little, but are still for the most part blissfully ignorant.

The "problem" with the God that I can't understand is that, honestly, I don't have, and probably never will have, a large enough perspective to know that he's always working for my best interest.

So back to the "gadget" metaphor. Gadget=God. Potential "buyer". Here's about the Gadget, and all the wonderful work the gadget is supposed to be doing.

He's like, "Okay, it could be the one responsible for this good stuff over here, but is it responsible for all this other stuff over here or is it just not working."

So the "buyer" curious as to why, checks the Gadget's "tech support manual", because it's kind of hard to get a hold of tech support on the phone. The most he can get out of the manual is that the Gadget works in "mysterious ways" and for the buyer's best interest...on paper, it sounds like a scam.

Basically with this I'm trying to say it's not the simple, "errr, I don't understand how it works so, I don't want it." It may be, "That it's supposed to work and do good work, but I can't tell if it's working, because I can't figure out how it works."

Now I know that "we" don't think of God as a device but that was the metaphor used during the talk, and I feel when you look at things from that perspective, it makes sense to reject a God that you can't understand.